Google News Revenue Rises on Digital Ad Growth

Google’s news division saw revenue rise in the most recent quarter, driven by growth in digital advertising revenue. The company’s overall revenue for the quarter was $25.76 billion, up from $21.45 billion in the same period last year. Google’s news division brought in $1.69 billion in revenue, up from $1.51 billion in the same period last year. The increase in revenue for Google’s news division was driven by growth in digital ad revenue, which offset declines in print and other traditional ad revenue streams. Digital ad revenue for Google’s news division grew 18% year-over-year, while print and other traditional ad revenue streams declined 12%. Google has been investing heavily in its news division in recent years, including the launch of a new subscription service called Google News Showcase. Google News Showcase pays publishers for the right to display their content in a dedicated section of the Google News app. The service has been successful in attracting publishers, with over 1,000 publications now participating. Google’s investment in its news division is part of the company’s broader strategy to become a more comprehensive news provider. The company has been working to improve the quality of its news content, including by hiring more journalists and partnering with established news organizations. Google has also been working to make its news products more accessible to users, including by launching a new app called Google News Briefings. Google News Briefings provides users with a personalized news feed that is tailored to their interests. The growth of Google’s news division is a sign of the increasing importance of digital advertising in the news industry. As more and more people consume news online, publishers are increasingly reliant on digital ad revenue to support their operations. Google’s investment in its news division is a sign that the company is committed to playing a major role in the future of news media..

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